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Member Spotlight: Maine Center for Economic Policy

Member Spotlight: Maine Center for Economic Policy

Late summer and early fall have been a busy season for MaineShare members related to gatherings and events! I have been lucky enough to attend a handful of these, and they always provide me with knowledge, inspiration, and a renewed gratitude and appreciation for the work our members do, and the ways that MaineShare supports them.

One event that inspired me was that from the Maine Center for Economic Policy.  They held a talk that featured Chris Smalls, the founder of the Amazon Labor Union.  At this event, we heard from speaker Chris Smalls, the facilitator Taifa Smith Butler, president of Demos, and others in community who have had experience in labor organizing.  This event helped cement for me the power of organizing, as well as the connection between worker power and democracy.  The rights of the working class in America are key to the foundation of our democracy, and we will not see positive social change without a greater investment in worker rights. Advocacy is not a one-time practice– it is a long game, which requires conviction and commitment.  

I was so pleased that MECEP held this event and to learn more about how their focus on workers rights is a key to advancing economic justice in Maine. MECEP does policy research on economic issues in the state, and is a key part of coalitions to better the financial stability for all in the state. For example, they were part of the coalition who were instrumental in the successful policy initiative for Paid Family and Medical Leave in Maine. They also advocate for other policies that support economic justice such as increased minimum wage, rights of those with student loans, tax credits for families and the working class.  MECEP is a key advocate for a better Maine for us all, often behind the scenes, and I encourage all to learn more about the impact of this organization!

Image courtesy of Maine Center for Economic Policy

Workplace Giving is Back! MaineShare’s August Newsletter

Workplace Giving is Back! MaineShare’s August Newsletter

We are fast approaching MaineShare Workplace Giving season!  Last year, we raised over $309,000 in pledges in our workplace giving campaign, which supports the growth and sustainability of the amazing work of our member groups!  This year, our aim is even higher, as we add additional giving options to our campaign.  Giving to MaineShare allows you to support your community in a way that is values-aligned and creates sustainable impact. Read on to learn more about Workplace Giving, and also to read about member news and events!

Member Spotlight: Maine Farmland Trust

Member Spotlight: Maine Farmland Trust

Last month, I had the pleasure of bringing my mom to a farm tour at Goronson Farm, sponsored by Maine Farmland Trust.  Maine Farmland Trust (MFT) is a member-powered nonprofit land trust that is working to grow the future of farming so that farmers and our communities can thrive.  MFT holds relationships with 550 Maine farms, and this number continues to grow. Goronson Farm became involved with MFT by participating in a Business of Farming workshop. MFT offers programs to help farms thrive, advocates for local, state, and federal policies and research to support farmers and farms, and provides opportunities for the greater public to learn about the farms that feed our communities and support our local economies.

Goronson Farm is a unique, small farm set in a suburban area of Scarborough, ME that grows flowers, produce, herbs, and raises livestock.  They are a no-cull farm and grow unique and historically important fruit.  For example, they are growing etrogs, a citron fruit that is used in traditional Jewish celebration.  They also practice climate resilient farming, and help to educate other farmers on these practices and benefits.  During our visit, we met their free-range crested ducks, heritage chickens, saw their orchards and flower gardens, and tasted ice cream and wine made with fruit grown on the farm.  It was a wonderful experience to visit this special farm, and I left with deeper gratitude for the role of farms in Maine and the work MFT does to support our invaluable farmers.

By protecting farmland and supporting farmers, MFT helps to grow a network of local farms that can supply our state with reliable, accessible and fresh local food and products. If you want to engage with farms in your area and see all the ways that our farms provide vibrancy to our communities, check out the MFT Summer Farms Activity Map!  And learn more about all their work at  

Your Donations in Action- MaineShare’s July Newsletter

Your Donations in Action- MaineShare’s July Newsletter

MaineShare is thrilled to announce the recent distribution of $140,089.18 to our member organizations– a total of $238,288.82 in 2023. This incredible financial support bolsters the work of our 38 member organizations and their significant contributions to the justice ecosystem in Maine. Please read on to see what your support makes possible in Maine!