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Welcoming Autumn with MaineShare

Welcoming Autumn with MaineShare

As the seasons transition, I feel the electric energy all around. Our member groups are increasing their community engagement, with several involved in policy work this important election season. Our workplace partners are re-engaging with MaineShare as they begin their Workplace Giving campaigns. And the community energy was palpable earlier this week at our Portland Greendrinks event, where we were able to share what MaineShare does with a whole new audience.  Read on for more happening at MaineShare, Maine Initiatives, and with our member groups!

Portland Greendrinks event to benefit MaineShare

Portland Greendrinks event to benefit MaineShare

The Portland Greendrinks event to raise resources and awareness for MaineShare and our member groups has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 27th 5:30-8:00PM. The event will now be at Apres, 148 Anderson Street in Portland. Tickets are still available and can be purchased here: Registration link  Hope to see you there!