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The possibilities of a new year

The possibilities of a new year

Welcome to 2023!  For me, the new year brings with it renewed energy to look forward, strategize, and gaze ahead at possibilities for MaineShare. We are planning for other ways to bring member groups together in 2023 and to strengthen relationships among us, as well as with community. This is also a great time to engage new stakeholders with the incredible work of our member groups, and how they can support this work through various MaineShare giving options. MaineShare is also pleased to share its latest round of funding to our member groups. This month, allocations checks went out to our members, totaling $137,333.68 in distributions. Our workplace and individual donors make it possible for us to continue providing unrestricted funding to our groups– over $6,637,000 since our inception— and we are so grateful! Don’t forget to read on to learn more.

Member Spotlight: Maine Women’s Lobby Education Fund

Member Spotlight: Maine Women’s Lobby Education Fund

The Maine Women’s Lobby Education Fund (MWLEF) is an asset and a resource in our community, building knowledge and engagement in feminist, anti-oppression-based advocacy and civic life.  In July, I attended a MWLEF related event that allowed me to meet community members involved in and committed to feminist policy in Maine, and it was a wonderful learning experience for me, full of enthusiasm and hope.

MWLEF advocates for policy solutions to advance the security and well-being of girls and women, and provides opportunities for them to develop as confident leaders.  This past fall, they reminded the community that “Care Work is Work,” advocating around policies to protect and support caregivers – both paid and unpaid – in our state. Care workers keep our economy running, but are often unfairly compensated, poorly protected, and are often women, contributing to gender inequity in Maine.

Recently, MWLEF has been leading the Maine Paid Leave Coalition, a group of stakeholders pushing for comprehensive change at the systems-level around paid family and medical leave for all Mainers. The Maine Paid Leave Coalition provides education and advocacy for policy that aligns with gender-inclusive universal paid family and medical leave, and ensures that such policies provide an inclusive definition of family.  Reliable and accountable paid leave policies are essential to the economic security of Maine families and we cannot make steps toward greater gender equity without them. I am grateful to the tireless work of our member group, Maine Women’s Lobby Education Fund, and encourage you all to learn more about them! You can also check out their fun legislative education videos on TikTok at!