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March 2022 Newsletter: The Growth that Surrounds Us

March 2022 Newsletter: The Growth that Surrounds Us

As we wind down March, signs of growth are all around us.  The MaineShare member groups motivate us with their growth and the emergence of new ideas.  New collaborations have formed to fight for equity in our state.  Our members have welcomed new staff, adding innovative perspectives and growing new leaders committed to justice in our communities. The growth of the Maine Initiatives team has led to fruitful discussions about how to better support MaineShare’s member groups and connect them to the community and each other.  Please read on about the growth that surrounds.
February 2022 Newsletter: Exciting member distributions and updates

February 2022 Newsletter: Exciting member distributions and updates

As someone who loves the seasons of Maine, I cannot decide if I relish these winter glimpses of warmth that surprise us in winter, or dread them as they melt the serene snow.  I do know that I love the days getting longer and all the extra minutes of light and sunshine that brings.  Here at MaineShare, we have been spending our days integrating with Maine Initiatives and enjoying strategic discussions about the future as well as getting to know the rest of the amazing team. 

I am excited to share that last month, we distributed $130,589 to our member organizations!  This money raised is evidence that our community wants to invest in sustainable social change for a better Maine, that they believe in what our member groups do, and that the community sees the incredible impact of the work done by our member organizations.  Thank you to all of the supporters who make this funding possible.  And thank you to our member groups, many of whom have exciting updates that we are pleased to share here.