This website will soon be redirecting you to our MaineShare page on the Maine Initiatives website.  Click here to go there now!

Hardy Girls

Hardy Girls

Recent Achievements: Youth-led Bee You Boldly! Conferences were completely planned and run by our high school Feminist Action Board, and the program served nearly 200 youth.

How does MaineShare benefit you?: It provides invaluable general operating support that allows us to adapt to youth programming needs.

EqualityMaine Foundation

EqualityMaine Foundation

How does MaineShare benefit you?: It allows us to offer more programs like our SAGE Maine programs for older adults at little or no cost.

Defend Our Health

Defend Our Health

Recent achievement: Working with the Maine legislature to pass a first-in-the nation law to eliminate toxic PFAS from products we use every day (LD 1505).

How does MaineShare benefit you?: It offers more routes to varied sources of fundraising.

Consumers for Affordable Healthcare

Consumers for Affordable Healthcare

Recent achievement: Helping thousands of Mainers learn about and enroll in health coverage during a period when things were shifting in Maine; i.e., during the launch of the state-based exchange for ACA plans.
How does MaineShare benefit you?: It is a good way to connect with other like-minded progressive organizations working on similar policy goals.