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April 2024 News

April 2024 News

This spring sure is moving fast! I cannot believe that we are already transitioning to May, with dreams of warmth, planting seeds outdoors, and dipping our toes into fresh and salt water coming closer to reality. The joys and wonder of the earth have been abundant for me this month, starting with the unforgettable total eclipse, moving into discovering the shoots of perennials poking out of the ground and up toward the sun. To learn more about spring updates for MaineShare and our partner organizations, please read on!



Member Spotlight: Friends of Casco Bay

Member Spotlight: Friends of Casco Bay

If you are a resident, or even a visitor, of greater Portland, you know Casco Bay. You recognize its blue waters, picturesque lighthouses, and have seen the many boats and sailboats at work and play on the water year-round. But do you know who protects these waters? Who advocates and conducts research to ensure the health of Casco Bay? Friends of Casco Bay is an organization that is integral to the well-being of this body of water, protecting this natural resource for all in the community.

Friends of Casco Bay was founded in 1989 after concerns about high levels of pollution in the Bay. It is a membership organization representing those living on or near Casco Bay and advocates for them and the protection of the water. It focuses its work around science, Baykeeping, and community engagement. Friends of Casco Bay has two scientists on staff and collaborates with many others from partnering organizations. It is a founding member of the Waterkeeper Alliance, which now has over 300 members worldwide. 

Friends of Casco Bay is always involved in research, gathering data on climate change, pollution, and other water quality concerns from  25 locations around the Bay. They have recently collaborated with Bigelow Laboratory to collect samples from Casco Bay to understand PFAS incidence here (read here for more information on this research). They are also engaged in research on eelgrass with multiple partners to help understand why eelgrass, which is integral to water ecosystems and an important carbon sink, has decreased by 54% between 2018-2022.

They engage in policy and advocacy to help the natural environment. They employ the Casco Baykeeper to monitor and protect the Bay; serve as a resource to the state on the Maine Climate Action Plan; and participate in a stakeholder group to influence stormwater policy, a major pollution concern for Casco Bay. (I imagine we can all recall those recent storms, right?!)

Friends of Casco Bay also stays very involved with the community, providing education about protecting the water, as well as engagement opportunities, including a volunteer water reporter program. There are many ways to stay involved and informed about this great organization and I encourage you to learn more. Thank you for all you do, Friends of Casco Bay!


March 2024 News

March 2024 News

It’s spring in Maine! That means sunshine, daffodils and crocuses sprouting up, warmth, mud– wait, wait, maybe it means ice– or wait, maybe a snow storm. It could mean anything! Maine is often quite fickle in spring time, and we never know what weather to expect. But we relish every ray of sunshine, every bit of warmth, and turn our faces to feel the sun in the moments it appears. Please read on to hear the news about MaineShare and our partner organizations!

Member Spotlight: Consumers for Affordable Health Care

When dealing with health insurance, have you ever said to yourself, “this doesn’t seem fair” or, “wait, this can’t be right?” Have you ever had a loved one tell you they don’t know which coverage choice is best for them? Or wondered how we can change health care policy to make a difference in helping our communities to thrive? To help with all those quandaries and more, Consumers for Affordable Health Care is an amazing resource.

Consumers for Affordable Health Care (CAHC) is a Maine nonprofit that helps consumers with questions and challenges related to their healthcare coverage, advocates for more equitable and person-centered health care policy, and works to improve health equity. For individuals and families, CAHC staff provide counseling to educate Mainers about MaineCare and ACA Marketplace plans. Last year, CAHC fielded over 7,200 calls with questions about health coverage. For people who need assistance applying for health insurance, CAHC staff helps consumers with assembling the documentation for MaineCare coverage or enrolling in Marketplace coverage through CAHC can also assist with complaints and appeals related to private insurance. For more information on all the consumer assistance CAHC provides, visit here.

CAHC also has staff dedicated to health policy work who are deeply committed to making healthcare more affordable and accessible for all. They have recently been involved with multiple policy issues, including: participating on a task force that recently released recommendations to address hospital facility fees that increase patient bills; advocating for more affordable prescription drugs; and pressing for “All Means All” MaineCare coverage, which would make coverage available to all eligible people living in Maine, regardless of immigration status. To date, advocacy has been successful in ensuring that all pregnant Mainers and children are covered, regardless of citizenship. CAHC has also been working in partnership with Maine Access Immigrant Network and New Mainers Public Health Initiative to reduce barriers many face accessing Free Care at Maine hospitals.  

Consumers for Affordable Health Care is an unsung hero in Maine’s health and wellness sector. While progress has been made in Maine, there is more to be done to improve access to health care and coverage in our society. We are grateful to CAHC for their passionate and tireless work on this front. I encourage you to tell a friend about CAHC, and to stay in touch with all their work!

February 2024 News

February 2024 News

What a great start to 2024 here at MaineShare!  So far this year, we have been planning exciting updates and expansions to MaineShare, we have spent time in collaboration about organizational culture at Maine Initiatives, and we held our first quarterly meeting of the MaineShare Advisory Council. And recently, we were so thrilled and honored to have been the recipient of a fundraiser at MaineHousing, whose staff team raised $693 for MaineShare! I invite you to keep reading to learn lots more news and updates!