This website will soon be redirecting you to our MaineShare page on the Maine Initiatives website.  Click here to go there now!

Thank you to everyone who came out for the Portland Greendrinks event last month! We had nearly 300 attendees for the event, and loved engaging with folks about what MaineShare is, how we support our member groups, and the amazing work our groups do to better our community. We look forward to more in-person events, with our member groups, workplace partners, and engaging with the greater community! And speaking of our member groups, we have begun a series to take a more in-depth look at each. The Member Spotlight Series will be found on the ‘News and Events’ page of our website, and the first spotlight is on The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine.  Our Workplace Giving Season is off to a strong start, with the return of many dedicated workplaces, as well as exciting new partners! Read on for MaineShare and member updates here!