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Will Sedlack

Tracy Harkins

It was a bittersweet member meeting this April as we said good-bye to our Board Chair & Vice Chair.  Outgoing Board Chair, Tracy Harkins, Owner of Harkins Consulting, joined the board in 2017 and quickly assumed a leadership position.  She worked with the board and staff at the time to begin a deep exploration of the organization’s operations, mission, and finance.  Shortly thereafter, Will Sedlack, Civic Engagement Manager for Maine Conservation Voters, joined the board and took the Vice-Chair role.

Together with staff and new and existing board members, these two worked tirelessly and greatly improved MaineShare’s sustainability.  They also led the board through a thorough investigation of potential paths forward.  We are grateful to Tracy & Will for their incredible service to MaineShare and for leaving the place better than they found it.

Ryan Martin

Jodie Lapchick

Tracy & Will passed the torch to MaineShare’s new Board Chair, Ryan Martin, Executive Director of member group, Viles Arboretum, and our new Board Vice-Chair, Jodie Lapchick of Lapchick + Co.   Ryan is excited to lead the board in strategizing for the future and Jodie will continue to apply her talents to growing and improving our workplace giving program.