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On October 21st, Maineshare members, donors, and friends, past and present, gathered in the beautiful Viles Arboretum barn to belatedly celebrate our 30th anniversary.  We heard stories from those instrumental to our founding including Larry Danziger, Martha Piskuscas, Matt Howe, and Hildie Lipsom.  Wendy Rose & Doug Malcom, who were not able to attend, were fondly remembered as critical to MaineShare’s existence.

Those who have helped us weather these current times, like Ryan Martin, Brenda Peluso and past board president, Tracy Harkins, celebrated how far we’ve come.  We then welcomed Amanda Langley & Phil Walsh who shared excitement around opportunities to come. 

We have no doubt that our history and future are worth celebrating.   It was wonderful to see so many of the MaineShare family in person, and we thank you all for your continued support!