This website will soon be redirecting you to our MaineShare page on the Maine Initiatives website.  Click here to go there now!

For over 30 years, MaineShare has been helping our member groups create a strong foundation for a more just and equitable Maine. Now we have the incredible opportunity to build on this foundation.

Help us build a new normal from this strong foundation. Help us foster a new resurgence. Getting back to normal is not the goal of our recovery efforts. Getting a better normal is. More than 30 years of this work has uniquely positioned us to make a real impact and we invite you to take action today.

Many of you have been part of this foundation-building and we hope you will stay with us as we meet the challenges of this recovery and help our members focus on building a brighter future – as they always have.

Please donate generously today and ensure all this work promoting economic, social, and environmental justice is featured – front and center – in the recovery from the pandemic.

We thank you and our member groups thank you! Read more.